Tequila Komos believes life is a special occasion and every day is worth celebrating, and that tequila should be inclusive, global, and approachable.

Website Design and Development
This custom Webflow website build for Tequila Komos was built with luxury in mind. The concept was to make the website feel like a vacation in the Mediterranean and we achieved that by utilizing impactful brand imagery, powerful video storytelling elements and consistent brand storytelling. The overall simplistic style expression lends itself to the high end nature of the beverage and leaves the viewer feeling thirsty for a sip.

Mapbox Integration
We integrated Mapbox for users to easily find where to by Tequila Komos. This interactive feature allows the user to quickly find Komos near them while also demonstrating that you can find Tequila Komos almost anywhere!

We’d love to hear from you.
Say hello, hola, γεια σας, bonjour, أهلا…